This Rough Magic

A Peer-Reviewed, Academic, Online Journal
Dedicated to the Teaching of Medieval & Renaissance Literature

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~December 2015~


Short Essays: Teaching Non-Traditional Text(s)

  1. "Teaching The Turke and Sir Gawain in the Undergraduate Classroom"
    By Dr. Alan S. Ambrisco, University of Akron

  2. "The Anxiety of Duality and the Reduction to One:
    An Introduction to The Bloody Brother"

    By Patrick Aaron Harris, Mary Baldwin College

Man with Pitcher


Book Reviews

  1. Violence, Trauma, and Virtus in Shakespeare's Roman Poems
    and Plays: Transforming Ovid,
    by Lisa S. Starks-Estes

    Reviewer: Dr. Nicola M. Imbrascio, Granite State College

  2. Shakespeare and Modern Culture, by Marjorie Garber
    Reviewer: Dr. Richard Caputo, Suffolk County Community College

  3. Forensic Shakespeare, by Quentin Skinner
    Reviewer: Dr. Scott F. Crider, University of Dallas
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