This Rough Magic
A Peer-Reviewed, Academic, Online Journal
Dedicated to the Teaching of Medieval & Renaissance Literature
Dedicated to the Teaching of Medieval & Renaissance Literature
~Historical Interest~
This site takes the guesswork out of early modern literary social networks between 1500 and 1700, giving you an interesting take on writing communities of the time. Watch the attached video to get a sense of how you can truly use the site for your own research, and see who your favorite authors connected with!
This project, out of the University of Rochester, is an amazing collection of images associated with the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Interested in a visualization of the Middle Ages? Check this page out.
Richard III & The Richard III Society
Dedicated to spreading the truth about an individual maligned by the likes of Sir Thomas More and William Shakespeare, The Richard III Society is both informative and interesting. The following video, published by the University of Leicester, gives some more recent information on the King's newly found remains.